Enterprise Risk Management

The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) function is part of the Ethics and Compliance Office and led by the university’s chief compliance officer. The director of ERM is responsible for coordinating, maintaining and executing the university’s enterprise risk management efforts. The goal of ERM is to provide a framework and process for the identification, 评估ment, mitigation and monitoring of risks to support the achievement of the university’s mission and goals. 

ERM is a continuous process that helps organizations identify, 评估, prioritize and manage risks that may impact their business objectives. It is a comprehensive approach to risk management that involves a series of steps that help organizations manage risks in a coordinated and efficient manner.  Effective ERM programs can help organizations to proactively manage risks and achieve their business objectives.

Review additional ERM resources.  

For information regarding insurance, claims, safety and international risk management, please see the Office of Risk Management and Treasury.